We are a leading supplier of LPG/CNG/LNG Conversion kits and Tanks.
The Italian automotive brand DR Automobiles has begun the commercialisation of its SUVs with bi-fuel (Autogas/gasoline) engines in Spain. DR’s range consists of four models, DR3, DR4 DR EVO 5 and DR6, which are also sold with the simple gasoline version. The LPG vehicles are offered with powers ranging from 106 to 152 horsepower (HP)
Ukrainian gasoline market fell by 8.6% last year, compared to 2017. Drivers are 4.9% less steel to use it. One of the main reasons of this decrease is that local drivers are more interested in alternative and more economic fuels, such as Autogas. To date, the cost of LPG is 12,85 UAH (Ukrainian currency) per

We are a leading supplier of LPG/CNG/LNG Conversion kits and Tanks. We supply only 100% European made components for best-fit installations around the world. With over 15 years’ experience in the industry and having knowledge from different countries around the globe made us provide the best for our partners in the World. ENERGIA Alliance network is increasing rapidly as we promise to deliver the best products and services at competitive price level.

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